Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sorting out my Blog, day

I have been away for a week and desperately trying to catch up.
I have not successfully checked out my 'followers' blogs & intend to do just that.
Well easily said than done... as we can expect nothing ever goes smoothly where computers are concerned.
I tried to comment to ' sure what happened but I was not able to leave my comment... can't tell why.
I successfully managed to leave comments on my second and 3rd followers sites. One of the followers is using wordpress and the other the online journal.
I then attempted to fix my blog. It is way too long.
I managed to master the 'click to read more' option under the header. It is not exactly what I want but it's progress.
I only want the headings to show on my main page ... I am paranoid though that I will delete the wrong stuff.
I realise that I should be doing my tasks instead but finding it hard to move on and leave this mess behind.
I will also try to go back to my email list that I joined a week ago... not sure if I remember the address or password I used. I would also like to mention that I have a twitter account and following Peter.


  1. Hmmm...I wonder why you couldn't comment on my blog.

    Blogging applications can be hard to navigate around at times. My motto is, keep at it and soon enough you'll get the hang of it!

    Twitter: what's your username? I'm @cieart

  2. Hi Renee
    Certainly been a learning curve hasn't it! Your blog is looking good though, so you must be getting the hang of it!

  3. Hi Renee,

    I think you are doing better than me, I'm still at my module 2. Are you still having problems? I look at your blog, looks very good to me, you have all the whistles and bells. Hope this helps. Moee-Choo
