Saturday, May 9, 2009

Concepts Document

Concept 1: Your audience's use of communication

To do, to inform or both?
If it is only to provide information, the subject metadata is clear and meaningful, with attachment for further support the subject.
It is presented by attaching relevant document in different form, such as a PowerPoint slide, Word document, Excel chart etc.
If an action is required it needs to be very clear the who, the why, the what, the when and how.
The email communicates those points.

When there are actions to be taken, the recipient of the email understands almost at a glance what they are, right at the beginning of the email, this is made clear.
The rest of the reading material only supports in details what has to be done.
We have to think of all the actions, if they are achievable. There can be multiple actions that need to be acted on by more than one person. This is made very clear, who does what.

As a sender, we change 'hats', and makes sure that the data makes sense to us, as if we are the receiver. We check and modify the content of the email, over and over again to make sure the right message gets through. Once the email is sent, and if it is not the right message, it is impossible to retrieve and get back, without causing a lot of confusion in the process. It would reach a number of people in a very short time and would waste a lot of time and credibility.
Electronic communication, because of its speed and broadcasting ability, is fundamentally different from paper-based communication. Because the turnaround time can be so fast, email is more conversational than traditional paper-based media.

As an experienced user we always consider our audience. Does the recipient have the appropriate tools to access information, the data?
We do not assume that the recipients are complete savvy. The messages could appear in the body of the email and no other piece of software is required to access the information.
More often than not the attached document is in an Excel, Word, PDF or other format. In some companies their System administrator makes sure that the employees do not download any other piece of software, but only the ones that are based on the company policy, and as the policy dictates.
We are often required to access different sites by links provided in emails, for further information. We are then required to download software to allow us to get that information.

There is so much information available on the Internet and for most of us; this is where we go daily, to get our information.
Website designers get very creative to get our attention. Sometimes more often than not, websites attract the wrong audience by trying to appeal to everyone.
Website designers have to be very clear of their intention and expectations otherwise instead of attracting the right audience they send them to the opposition, never to return.

Site 1. Makes Email Different?
  • In a paper document, it is absolutely essential to make everything completely clear and unambiguous because your audience may not have a chance to ask for clarification. With email documents, your recipient can ask questions immediately. Email thus tends, like conversational speech, to be sloppier than communications on paper. This is not always bad. It makes little sense to slave over a message for hours, making sure that your spelling is faultless, your words eloquent, and your grammar beyond reproach, if the point of the message is to tell your co-worker that you are ready to go to lunch. However, your correspondent also won't have normal status cues such as dress, diction, or dialect, so may make assumptions based on your name, address, and - above all - facility with language. You need to be aware of when you can be sloppy and when you have to be meticulous.
The beginners book of email communication (freeware)

Although the above quote is a public shareware, it is relevant and explains clearly what an email communication is all about. I find the article very useful and credible as it uses common sense. It also relates and supports the concept of audience's use of communication.

Site 2: Why is email so important and return on investment
  • There are enormous benefits the email customer communication channel.
  • They include:
  • Email is cheaper than sales and services by telephone. Company has better control of information provided to customers.
  • Emails create an “information trail”
  • Emails can be written at anytime, anywhere, and sent to many companies at once.
  • Return on Investment – Turn your Email cost centre into a value adding business unit your company would never dream of unleashing a telephone operator on customers without appropriate safeguards; things like recruitment, training, quality assurance and monitoring. Why do you do it with email operators?
  • About E-Write
  • E-Write was established by David Goldberg in response to client demand for a simple writing course designed specifically for email communication. Since then we have expanded our product range to include a full suite of writing and testing products.E-Write’s goal is simple. We provide top quality training and testing solutions to arm your company with the knowledge, skill and customer focus to increase customer experience and build your brand.
  • About David-
  • 'David Goldberg has a passion for plain English writing and is Australia’s leading email customer experience expert. Having qualified university with a bachelor of laws (Honours) and Bachelor of Arts, David has worked at one of Australia’s leading commercial law firms and is currently a practising lawyer. David also worked at customer experience company Global Reviews, delivering email consulting and advice on best practice email customer experience to many of Australia and New Zealand’s leading companies. David Goldberg has a passion for plain English writing and is Australia’s leading email customer experience expert. Having qualified university with a bachelor of laws (Honours) and Bachelor of Arts, David has worked at one of Australia’s leading commercial law firms and is currently a practising lawyer. David also worked at customer experience company Global Reviews, delivering email consulting and advice on best practice email customer experience to many of Australia and New Zealand’s leading companies.

This is a Commercial Company, and it primary purpose is to promote and sell their services. They offer a range of training services and Email Training is one of them. The site also provides access to useful information, which is relevant and support my argument. The Company director and author of the articles, is experienced in his field and very credible.

Concept 2: Concept Title - Netiquette

The content of email should be treated the same as a face to face situation. Very often the originator of an email does not consider their tone or audience for that matter. Many use a very different language; seem aggressive when communicating via email. In a face to face situation most people are polite but most do not communicate the same way when emailing.

Use the metadata to create a relationship with your audience, be sociable. Whatever is said quickly in an email, is passed on to many, documented and transmitted, and is now public record that can be used against you, without your permission, with unintended consequences.
Some Company's bad rules:
Their salutation can be up to 1/2 page
the messages to save the environment has a reverse effect
The privacy comment goes on for ever and is unenforceable
A full page of nothing, which add to the traffic volume
What intended to be good practice is often rubbish
& some good stuff
Informal use is the same, conflict - no commonsense, common courtesy, no manners whatsoever and when put in an email sounds worst, it comes across much worse.

There are no rules but there are often formal guidelines. Some Companies email policies let you know what you can and cannot do. The format, the font, the style to use etc.
As part of an employment contract agreement, some Companies make potential employees sign an induction process.
There are also lots of informal guidelines.
There have been a lot of suggestions and guidelines, as experienced in the NET11 unit. Yet this has not quite helped everyone. The unit Discussion Board has a lot of examples of ordinary email communication, to say the least.
You need a lot of common sense and decent manners. Intelligence and knowledge have nothing to do with it.

There are numerous differences and disagreements about the rules.
The rules to consider, is it gender specific, age specific, professional specific, culture, race etc...

The language used between 'mates' is not appropriate for all.
The older demographic are used to a different and more formal way of communication. The etiquette they are accustomed to, for example the Dear Sir, Madam etc...
The younger generation speaks in an 'SMS' way, abbreviated form that would be meaningless, and offensive to the older generation.
In a professionals point of view, they use acronym. In finance, ABSm MACD, SAEF etc. Information Technology acronyms HTML, IP, OPAC to name a few would be meaningless to most, outside of that sphere.

As for culture, a Christian name is offensive when asked to a non Christian demographic. At the Olympics that became very obvious, when we had people from all different cultures and background. There were not enough spaces provided on forms to enter athlete's names, and some nationalities do not have a first name.

It is important when we engage in an asynchronous communication, we always have to treat others the way we would expect to be treated or addressed.
Therefore that is the way you want to be treated then you have the ethical responsibility to behave properly, non abrasive, non sexist etc...
We have an obligation to address and reply to the audience in a well constructed, non abusive and respectful manner.
Emails communication is usually to another person, very personal, or has a very limited audience.
Emails can also contain attachment such as a brochure promoting our services or products.
They can also be abusive, sexist, boring, lengthy and a waste of time. They will be file away in the 'no answer' folder and forgotten about.

Site 1: Study Guides and Strategies
This site is comprehensive and contains the "Ten Commandments of E-Mail Netiquette".
It summarises in a point form all of what I am trying to say in my Netiquette concept 2.
It is very relevant to this study and reinforces what I have written about the Netiquette.
Joe Landsberger is credible, has his own website He has performed several Academic presentations.

  • Website overview: Since 1996 the Study Guides and Strategies web site has been researched, authored, maintained and supported by Joe Landsberger as an international, learner-centric, educational public service.

Site 2: Our responsibility
  • As the Internet continues to evolve, so do the issues that impact the way we use it. From privacy, security and freedom of speech, to honesty and consideration in the way we interact with others, we all have a responsibility to preserve and protect its unique character. That means recognizing that while the medium is in many ways a reflection of the physical world, it is in other ways, fundamentally different--manifesting its own customs and practices.

This is a commercial site and sell educational products and services via the Internet. It also containg some useful information. It supports my argument and I think in this context the article makes perfect sense as it is just common sense and very acceptable.

Concept 3: Concept Title - The relationship of data to meta-data

The header of an email contains meta-data, the sender, the receiver, who it is copied to, and who it is blind copied to. It also contains the date stamp as of when it was sent, the subject of what it is all about, and perhaps an attachment as support document. The email meta-data, as compared to the postal system which does not tell the receiver as much, can convey valuable information at just a glance.

The face to face communication has its advantages and disadvantages. If it is not articulated properly; the exchange of information is comparable to a very poorly addressed email.

The importance of the email meta-data, is that it contains all the important information that can be saved and retrieved at any time, and as often as required, as opposed to an actual envelope and the letter, where the meta-data cannot be accessed, save or otherwise.

Prior to software being available to capture the meta-data and content of the emails, such as outlook, there were databases, customised programmes that were created to capture relevant information from an envelope and its contents. Nowadays the information is easily captured and stored. Most users advanced or otherwise can easily create folders under different headings to file relevant information.

There is still a need to make use of other available software to capture certain information not available in the meta-data. Some companies do not support the tools that are often used by advanced users or the latest upgrades. They opt to keep using programmes that have been in place for decades and that are still providing the necessary information. Why change if it is not broken? Companies want to reach as many potential customers as possible. The consequences of using the most sophisticated and latest internet software tools, to communicate to or reach the target audience, is that most users are not able to access the information as perceived. A lost of a potential customer is a cost that a company cannot afford. This potential customer may never return or will find other companies that are more accessible.

Microsoft Office tools are used by most, but most don’t just upgrade to the latest version as soon as it is available. It is a very costly exercise and smaller companies struggle to keep up. The simple task of sending an excel spreadsheet may cause inconsiderable time lost and frustration. Simply because the latest version used is not compatible to previous versions of the software.

E.g. The latest version of excel shows a minus sign in red, if it is required to be printed, more that often on a black & white printer), prints black not red. This simple action can trigger a lot of confusion.
E.g. Word has special characters imbedded in the document that cannot be accessed by most other word processors or text editors.

Accessing Web pages on the other hand, we get the information in the form it is presented and not necessarily what we need or want. The information cannot be highlighted as we would if it were a printed document. For the majority of users, the process of capturing the information is very manual, copying and pasting or perhaps capturing some screen dump.

Site 1: Compatibility Problems

The new version of Word has a lot of interesting new features, even useful ones. But unfortunately most don’t need or want to use those new features. This link may be useful for those who want to make sure that their Word files are always saved in a .doc format. This is the older version of Word. The default when saving a file using Word 7 is a .docx extension, not .doc. This would save a lot of anguish and frustration.

Site 2: Metadata - Data about Data
This is a great source of information. Metadata - Data about Data. The meta-data from an email provides a lot of information. The meta-data that can be captured from electronic files can again provide even more useful, important information. The email headers and attachments have hidden data, which can be extracted using the right tools. Using Explorer and clicking of any file or image on your computer, provides you information about that file. The file type, its description, size, when it was created, accessed and much more. It is common for companies nowadays needing to create their own warehouse and capture such information.

  • Microsoft Office and Metadata
  • Microsoft Office files, like other types of digital data, also carry metadata, called document metadata. Some of the types of metadata that may be stored along with your saved office documents can include your name, initials, company name, computer name, the disk or network server the file was stored in, file properties, revisions, hidden text, deleted comments, and so much more. Microsoft Office documents are frequently passed among co-workers, clients and contractors, so when the documents are shared, quite often, so is large amounts of metadata.

This site is geared to provide information to small businesses and is also linked to other sites promoting their services. It is comparable to wikipedia, but seems to be the first online encyclopedia for computer technology. It is a good reference site but depending on the type of research that is required. This site is more than adequate to most who require basic information about any computer technology related topics. I cannot work out if it is a company or part of, it has numerous links to commercial sites and has lots of partners. It must be and seems to be of a commercial site, promoting products and services, as well as providing useful information.

Concept 4: Concept Title - Communication is not complete upon receipt.

It is common knowledge that when assuming anything makes a fool of you and I.

The subject line in an email is very important to get right. It has to be precise. If we want the receiver to act or look further, set the tone first and foremost. The subject should contain at least one verb, one noun. As a general rule do something. E.g. send Invoice.

The 'to' meta-data is the person expected to do what the subject meta-data says. The 'cc' the person it is copied to is not expected to do anything. The person is kept informed, as perhaps to the manager, supervisor of a department. If the person cc'ed to, is away then the manager of the department takes the necessary steps and ensures that the email is actioned on.

This is an example of some of the process that is in place in some organised environment. To be more precise we time scale the subject matter as well. For example 'send Invoice by March 2nd.

In the body of the email message, once the email is accessed the structure of the first section, will describe everything needed to get the job done. Otherwise this information gets buried and lost, if placed somewhere at the bottom of the communication.

In this example it is a finance department, and the information required is the Name of the company, the address, the amount owed etc. There may also be an attachment such as a purchase order to support the task as the process dictates. If there is no formal process in place and if we need confirmation that the email has been received, some rules or flags can be put in place, such as the ones available in outlook.

The 'bcc'to oneself, can be a way of filing/keeping a copy of the email as necessary. As part of the process to make it more transparent and consistent, and more importantly to complete the loop, a 'Done & Sent message' could be sent to the originator of the email as well as the ones copied to. If targeting your recipient appropriately the process is simple. The email traffic is minimised, time is saved as no one gets unnecessary emails in their inbox. The rules practiced can be clear and precise, but the advanced user should educate others and make sure that everyone knows what process is in place.

As for email communications, to be sure that websites meet their intended expectations, there should be measures put in place to check the results. The number of hits a website gets does not mean that it is successful campaign. It is only one measure but meaningless. It tells us that the meta-data searches work well. This is a costly exercise with no desired outcome.

The need to capture the meta-data is important for business to follow through and close the loop. For example a software company needs to sell software through a website, and in order to do so, the website has to be able to attract the right audience and keep them interested, until such time the customer purchases the software, then loop is not complete.

The process should be constantly monitored and assessed. We should never assume and always improve our website based on the analysis as of which section needs looking after. It is like building a relationship and consider where it needs more care and attention.

Site1: One Company's E-mail terms and condition
  • The Title Source® family of companies (collectively “Company”) are dedicated to revolutionizing the Title Insurance and Settlement Services Industry. A big part of that “revolution” is based upon prompt and convenient communication with our clients, vendors and others. For that reason, we offer various means of communication including e-mail, fax, telephone, chat, snail-mail, express mail, voice mail, etc. To demonstrate our commitment to prompt and convenient communications, we have adopted the following terms and conditions, regarding e-mail, which are incorporated by reference into all e-mails sent and received by our Team Members (i.e., our employees). Our communications with you via e-mail are conditioned upon your agreement to the following terms'.
  • Services provided by Title Source, Inc.
  • © 2000 - 2009 Title Source, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  • Title Source® is a service mark of Title Source, Inc.
  • May 18, 2009

E-mail is so widely used within organisations, most companies' managers, nowadays treat their e-mails systems very seriously. They cannot afford not to do so. It is important that the rules are made clear and publicised throughout the company, so that the employees are made very aware, know what is expected of them.

Site 2. Fair certified e-mail delivery
  • Communication by e-mail has become a vital part of everyday business and has replaced most of the conventional ways of communicating. Important business correspondence may require certified e-mail delivery, analogous to that provided by conventional mail service. This paper presents a novel certified e-mail delivery protocol that provides non-repudiation of origin and non-repudiation of receipt security services to protect communicating parties from each other's false denials that the e-mail has been sent and received. The protocol provides strong fairness to ensure that the recipient receives the e-mail if and only if the sender receives the receipt. The protocol makes use of an off-line and transparent trusted third party only in exceptional circumstances, i.e. when the communicating parties fail to complete the e-mail for receipt exchange due to a network failure or a party's misbehaviour. Considerations have been taken in the protocol design to reduce the use of expensive cryptographic operations for better efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
  • Symposium on Applied Computing Proceedings of the 2004 ACM symposium on Applied computing Nicosia, Cyprus SESSION: Computer securityPages: 391 - 396 Year of Publication: 2004 ISBN:1-58113-812-1
  • Authors: Alekandra Nenadic (University of Manchester, UK)
  • Ning Zhang (University of Manchester, UK)
  • Stephen Barton (University of Manchester, UK)
  • Sponsor: ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing

Monday, May 4, 2009

Module 5: Info-Communication Concepts

Information Ecologies

Information as we knew it, has evolved, or progressed, if we can call it that, into this gigantic, bottomless pit where the information is always readily available.
Only a few years ago we only had books from libraries and shops as our source of information.
Now we are bombarded with information, good and bad.
We are inundated with information. The mind struggle.
The younger learn to adapt, the very young have no problem grasping it. Is it for the better?
No one knows. What we know is that it cannot go back only forward at great speed.

Are we better off if we are information rich, are we better off that the info poor societies?
We think we are, but I don't think so. The poor societies speak to their children, friends and families, our childred play (violent) computer games and are anti-social, parents themselves spend most of their time on a computer (sharing info !!!), not sharing information but just plain escaping thier parents responsibilities.
We spend so much time of the Internet, looking for something, does not matter what. We shop, we study, we work, we research, we communicate, we share the information.
We are addicted.

We are trapped and there is nothing we can do to escape this. Life as we know has changed and is now part of this unknown new world.
This new world unfortunately before we can comprehend what it is all about, it changes.

We think that we have a tool and we have choices. We do not. We are manipulated in thinking that all this is good and we must have it. We try to control it but it controls us.
We messed up the planet now we are messing with its people.

I have a few links that I thought were very interesting:
The future of the internet - Keanu Reeves in Johnny Mnemonic Future Internet.
I like this one. It is propably the way we will be doing things in the future.

An "ecology of communication" is a sensitizing concept to clarify how information technology and communication formats operate in the effective environment and are intertwined with activities, in some cases adding new activities, while in other instances changing them.
An Ecology of Communication: Toward a Mapping of the Effective Environment, by David L. Altheide © 1994

How might the metaphor of an 'ecology' impact on the way you think
about, understand or use the Internet?

"We define an information ecology to be a system of people, practices, values, and technologies in a particular local environment. In information ecologies, the spotlight is not on technology, but on human activities that are served by technology."
(Nardi & O'Day, 1999)

In an attempt in trying to fully understand what the question is all about, I looked up the meaning of 'ecology' & 'metaphor', using the online dictionary.
Metaphor: A figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison, as in "a sea of troubles"
Ecology: the study of the relationships between people, animals, and plants, and their environment

So information ecology would mean the relationship between the Internet, Internet tools and
systems, and how people interact and use them.
It is a different way of thinking of how we use and are responsible of the Internet communication.
The Internet is like a living thing which is reinventing itself constantly, to better service us, its
audience. The Internet would not exists without our contribution and input. If we don't nurture,
feed it, evolve with it and contribute to it potential, the Internet would surely die.
Our interacting with the Internet and contributing to its amazing potentials, result in the invention of amazing technologies, good quality information, and we change and adapt in the process.
The downside of humans interacting with such an open, bottomless hungry system, is that the bad can thrive and benefit as well, if not better that their good compatriots. The bad and ugly go out of their way to undermine all the good stuff and corrupt the Internet with their garbage, to create as much confusion and deceit as possible.
The Internet is like a child with so much potential that we as humans can do so often, abuse and
corrupt the child.
The Internet is not a child anymore, it has grown to be very powerful and if the 'BAD GUYS' got
their way the whole world would be affected and changed, unfortunately not for the better. It is
like the environment that we have abuse for such a long time instead of working with we
should now work together in collaboration with the 'Internet' to make it a better world for
Information. The word has become ubiquitous with the computer and the so-called revolution
that has occurred as a result of this electronic gizmo so many of us use on a daily basis. We
have linked the word with many other terms to describe how information functions in this new electronically-driven world: information technology, information management, information superhighway. Nardi and O'Day (1999), however, have hitched information to another term---ecology---that provides us with another way to think through what it means to work, learn, and play with and through the computer-mediated medium. As with any descriptor that has metaphoric possibilities, inventive minds can conjure a seemingly infinite number of ways to probe the expanded meanings that a metaphor can provide.
Nardi and O'Day's Information Ecologies: Using Technology with Heart access restricted (by the publisher) to members/subscribers/customers only peer-reviewed
Johnson, Robert R.
Journal of Computer Documentation 2000

how are the concepts 'information' and 'communication' understood within the framework of an 'information ecology'?

Concept 32: Virtually a Library?
How is the information communicated to its audience via the Internet. Is the Internet a library? To some yes and others more advanced users manipulates the information to suit their needs.

Concept 33: Information and attention (attention economy)
Others are challenged to grab our attention in that split second so we go back and back again,
whatever the reason may be, they have achieved their goal to attract our attention, and winning
over the competition.

Concept 20: Active communication generates indentity awareness

Concept 14: Cyberspace is informationally created 'space'
We develop a different 'internet' identity when communicating and exchanging information

We navigate, surf, explore, visit and move in space, but do not think of it as a virtual world. We
treat it as the real world, where we feel more comfortable.
We also know that the concept of information cannot exist without communication. We
successfully communicate information through the Internet, which is, nowadays easily accessible
to everyone.
The information ecology means that we have to consider responsibly what information we
communicate, the consequences and impact it may have on its 'huge' audience, and its
"The internet is a reflection of our society and that mirror is going to be reflecting what we see," he said.
"If we do not like what we see in that mirror the problem is not to fix the mirror, we have to fix society."
Dr Vinton Cerf - Founder of the Internet

why don't we talk of a 'communication ecology'

The following abstract summarises clearly why we do not talk of a 'communication ecology'.
'Communication ecology' is already well known within organisations, but it encompasses more than just information technology management. We need to consider the 'information poor societies', for its ecological implication.
The paper discusses some problems of an information ecology. These arise within information rich societies but also in the interaction with information poor societies. These questions are being considered from a theoretical as well as from a practical perspective. From a theoretical perspective emphasis is made on the social character of information as the measure for its ecological quality, as well as on the linguistic (criticability, tacit dimension and partiality) and historical dimensions of information. These dimensions allow a specific definition of the concept of information pollution. The increasing gap between information rich and poor countries is analyzed. Some suggestions for future action are made.
Contribution to the NORDINFO International seminar "Information and Quality", Royal School of Librarianship, Copenhagen, 23-25 August 1989. Proceedings: I. Wormell ed.: Information Qual Definitions and Dimensions. London, Taylor Graham 1990, p. 122-139.

"Information Ecology defines mobilisation for the future, a topic that is clearly thought provoking and one that we must all address if true technology information return on investment is to occur"
Ralph J. Szygenda
Vice President Chief Infor4mation Officer
General Motors Corporation

An nteresting books on the topic:
Information Ecology
Mastering the information and knowledge environment
Why technology is not enough for success in the information age

Preparing for 'future shock'

Keeping up with what is happening now is a challenge and will stay with us for a while yet.
When we say future, how far in the future, then I think 'Teleporting' is the way of the future, why not?
Nowadays we use the Internet and available technology to do the following:
  • Read online -ebooks
  • Study online - eLearning
  • Play games online
  • Chat to everyone/anyone (ICQ, Skype, Windows live etc...) in the world
  • Shop - eShop -
  • Bank - Internet banking
  • Trade shares - Etrade etc..
  • We run a business from home, use Skype to communicate with our colleagues worldwide. We send invoices from our home office. We communicate to the Banks anywhere in the world to get our financial reports. We service our customers from a virtual office.
  • We watch movies on our computer
  • We download the music we want from the Internet
  • We interrogate the Internet for information
We do all of the above but what is lacking and what humans need is the personal close contact.
The internet is helping some of us communicating but as human beings we need to feel, and
touch to make us complete. Although what the Internet offers has come a long way, it lacks the
personal touch. If we have the right balance between human interaction and the use of the
Internet and all the wonderful stuff that is offers, it would be a perfect world.

In the future we may be one in a space where we would still get this feeling of belonging. We will
even be able to see, smell, get a feeling of being touch and loved and feel complete. In an attempt
to being friendly to the environment, there will be no cars on the road, no shopping complex, no
movie theatres as it can all be done in the comfort of our house. We will experience the world
around us through our VDU's.
The next few generations will not know any better and will embrace and adapt their new world. I am sure glad that I belong to the now 'world'. We are creating intelligent future robots, they look the real thing, yet they are still robots.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Module 4: Using the infosphere: taking & organising

Tools for using the Web
I downloaded Copernic and have been using it. I can search my desktop and also the Web. It's a good little tool but I doubt that I will be using it instead of Google search. I do use other search engines, but I always tend to go back to Google. I did a search using Copernic and did the same search using Google, the result was similar. I actually got more out of Google than Copernic.

Accessing the DB this morning I received a very detailed answer from Andrew Pettigrew, regarding my problem downloading real player. I managed to download it successfully.

Adobe's pdf reader
I already have the Adobe reader and would be lost without it. It allows me to view all the pdf files that I receive, which is often. It is free, easy to use, very useful and is a standard requirement for viewing doucments successfully.
Flash/Shockwave Players
I could not have my blog open and install flash player; I get the message to log out of firefox first.
I manage to install Shockwave Player no problem, but what do I do with this now. There is no icon showing, as far as I can tell.
I google Shockwave and select
(Royalty free background music, buyout music loops. Listen online, purchase on secure server, use as much as you like. Delivered by instant download, ...)
Now I have choices:
Royalty-free 5.1 Surround music... sounds good.
I opt to download 'Take me through it.ac3 clip'... it's a preview .. sorry the preview is a .php extension, which plays this music for
Now quicktime player gives me this message:
Some of the files types associated with Quick Time applications are curently associated with other applications. Should I restore these file type associations to Quick Time? I am tempted to say yes... but then it will take over & I was quite happy with my windows media player.
I say no!!!
I try to play this clip which I suppose that I downloaded... oops!!! it gives me another message:
Additional software is required for Quick Time to playback this media. It may be available from the Quick TIme components page. Make sure you your internet etc........................
I choose to cancel, as I don't want to download anymore software.
My system is already running much slower now, than when I first started.
I logout of my blog and install Flash Player & log in again.
I google flash and select some games... Rag Doll Avalanche II.
Not much of a game, you have to dodge the spikes otherwise they come piercing this rag doll.
OK not impressed as yet. How would that get me a job?
In most companies if not all, you are not allowed to download any software outside the ones that management have agreed on.
It took a little time to download but it did not cost anything and I managed to use it without too much problem. I don't know what this would be useful for or how it would help me in any way. I may find out all the benefits of those tools, eventually, at a later stage.
Media Players
I use Windows Media Player, which is the default on my system. I find if I download anything else it seems to take over, and rearranges files and changes the current set up.
I decided to download Apple Quicktime player as well as Real Networks Real One. I take a ride...
Like to take a magic carpet ride?
Just launch QuickTime Player, and there’s no telling where you’re likely to land. The Player may whisk you to the Moon or perhaps to an exotic location on this planet. Take you on a virtual field trip to the Louvre Museum. Or treat you to the latest news, movie trailers, TV specials or music videos.
I came across YouTube EDU & Garry Brand - Web 2.0 & Social Netw2orking Webniar, perhaps not appropriate for this task but very interesting for this unit.
I also browsed, Wufoo (will revisit later), (Web 2.0 Tools & Applications), Flickr (photo sharing), tool).. basically got lost in the infosphere.
Search Manager/Combiners
I seem to already have Bookmark Buddy installed. I just have to use it. I am not sure how much time I am supposed to spend of this.. but I can't seem to get on top of this.
Offline Browser/Copier
I downloaded both the WebCopier & the PageSucker for Windows. What now?
I don't think that I will be using any of the software that I have downloaded. At the moment I cannot see how this has helped me communicate any easier.
I know now though what social networking is all about. I suppose that we have to know the social aspect to be able to communicate at all on teh Internet. I have not come across anything at all useful that would be used in a working environment. As long as I know all this stuff exist, then I may need to make use of it one of these days. I may get into using some of the Web applications available, not sure.

Searching the Web

1. Searh engine task
I searched for 'internet use and the baby boomers' using google and my first hit, of about 337,000 for internet use and the baby boomers.

Two-thirds of baby boomers use the Internet
Two-thirds of baby boomers use the Internet About two-thirds of adults ages 50 to 64 years old—the so-called baby boomersuse the Internet, compared with - 38k - Cached - Similar pages

2. Copernic search found 80 pages.

Remote Access Solution
Access Any Remote Desktop Through the Web - PC, Mac, Linux. Try Free!
Sponsored by: [Found on Ads by Google]

I used - 315,000 hits.

Advertising Agencies: Information from Answers.comAdvertising agencies began to use the new technology to create more ... began to marry and have children—the generation of children known as baby-boomers. ...The Internet allows advertising agencies to target consumers worldwide and

Live search
1-10 of 1,830,000 results

Pew Internet & American Life ProjectThis presentation contains data about how Baby Boomers use the internet. It charts the rise of broadband, wireless connections, and a variety of internet activities, including e ...​display.asp

I used - 2,330,000 hits

From business to fun: What different generations do online -

... X primarily uses the Internet for shopping and banking; BabyBoomers for travel ... in Gen Y. The 33-44 age group also use theInternet for watching videos - 63k - Cached

AltaVista found 976,000 results
Baby Boomer Exit Creates Leadership Gap
... excellent leaders who have the flexibility to use consensus where it works, be ... and anxiety that can exacerbate some of that inter-generation conflict. ...

Not sure how to compare all the results. The are all different and depending on what you are searching for, and the depth of your research, would determine which one you would go for.

I can't notice anything more useful using one or the other. It may be the topic and what I am searching for.

Boolean Searching on the Internet

Google 'internet use AND baby boomers' - 339,000 hits - biggest number of hits, similar to my 1st search, without the AND.
  1. Two-thirds of baby boomers use the Internet

    Two-thirds of baby boomers use the Internet About two-thirds of adults ages 50 to 64 years old—the so-called baby boomersuse the Internet, compared with ... - 38k - Cached - Similar pages
  2. Pew Internet & American Life Project

    The Future of the Internet as Baby Boomers Age. by Susannah Fox ... they have never been online and probably know few people who use the internet. ... - 17k - Cached - Similar pages
  3. Reaching Baby Boomers on the Internet | Small Business Trends

    13 Responses to “Reaching Baby Boomers on the Internet”. 50+Digital » Blog Archive » How Boomers use the Internet Says: April 9th, 2007 at 10:19 am ... - 51k - Cached - Similar pages
  4. Baby Boomers Take To Internet - CBS News

    13 Nov 2002 ... Baby Boomers Take To Internet. Boomers More Active Than Younger ... Calif., said the increased use among online boomers for some types of ... - 79k - Cached - Similar pages
  5. How to Use the Internet for Baby Boomers: Community Education for ...

    Learning about the Internet is just another step along the path of life for lifelong learners. However, there are many adults who would benefit from using ... - 39k - Cached - Similar page
Ixquick searched for 'internet use AND baby boomers' - most relevant

Pew Internet & American Life Project ****
Baby Boomers and the internet. by Lee Rainie. Jan 10, 2009 ... This presentation contains data about how Baby Boomers use the internet. Presentations/ 2009/ Baby-Boomers-and-the-internet.aspx
Highlight - 4 more top results from this site - Found by All the Web (2), Lycos (2), Yahoo (2), Qkport (3)

Reaching Baby Boomers on the Internet | Small Business Trends ****
guest expert, Mark J. Miller, presents a look at Baby Boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) -- and it may ... How Boomers use the Internet Says: April 2007/ 04/ reaching-baby-boomers-on-the-internet.html/
Highlight - Found by All the Web (1), Lycos (1), Yahoo (1), Qkport (2)

Baby Boomers Are The Largest Group of Internet Users ****
mortgage website, better not wait any longer. Data from eMarketer shows that Boomers make up the largest group ... How boomers use the Internet today 2008/ 12/ 15/ baby-boomers-are-the-largest-group-of-internet-users/
Highlight - Found by All the Web (4), Lycos (4), Yahoo (4), Qkport (8)

The Baby Boomers Have Arrived on The Internet ****
Baby Boomers are a huge segment of our current population. ... While the internet has a longer history than most would think, in use by the ...
Highlight - Found by All the Web (7), Lycos (7), Yahoo (7), Qkport (10)

Baby Boomer Generation is Finding Old Friends Online [VIDEO] ***
Well, now days Baby Boomers are using the Internet to find them! ... Yes indeed, Baby Boomers are finding the Internet to be a great resource for not ...
Highlight - 1 more top result from this site - Found by All the Web (9), Lycos (9), Yahoo (9)

One week without searching the web.

I am completely lost. I was not motivated to continue this module at all and forced myself to apply myself again. The only think that I may do differently, when searching the Web, is to use the Boolean options, AND, OR, NEAR. It may be that what I searched for was too vague and I was not sure what exactly I wanted to find out. I may also use Copernic, why not?
When I will have to do some serious searching those tools may come handy.

I have not updated my blog for the last week. Browsing back on what I have done, I believe that ixquick search engine is the best. It seems to access documents that are not accessed by other search engines. I guess it accesses what we call the 'Deep Web'.

Organising search information task


by Susannah Fox, Oct 17, 2005, at Aging by Design 2005

The Pew Internet & American Life Project.

The Pew Internet & American Life Project is one of seven projects that make up the Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan, nonprofit "fact tank" that provides information on the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. The Project produces reports exploring the impact of the internet on families, communities, work and home, daily life, education, health care, and civic and political life.

Deb Gilburg, Principal wit the Gilburg Ledearship Institute, Inc.
Gilburg Ledearship Institute, Inc (Sun Microsystems)

Q: What does a Gen-X manager or executive look like?
Gilburg: Gen-X'ers range between 25-45. You don't see many at the executive/leadership level with the exception of the high-tech industry and entrepreneurial ventures. A typical Gen X'er in the private sector tends to be the start-up guy who gets funding, gets things rolling, and then moves on. X'ers tend to be highly pragmatic, no-nonsense, and action-oriented. High-tech is very attractive to the X'er mentality, as it allows for creativity, innovation, and practical problem solving.
X'ers are technologically savvy, self-reliant (they were the latch-key kids), competent, good at learning on the fly, and can be opportunistic (which can appear to Boomers as unprincipled). They can be good collaborators when not bogged down with idealistic debates. They have little patience for inaction, and tend to be good with deliverables and project management.
X'er's care strongly about family values — as a generation they have sought greater work/life balance. While not heavily institutionalized, you can see some progress toward this goal in high-tech where their influence is stronger.
As a workforce, X'ers are transient, having an average three-to-five year lifespan in one organization. They tend to have a low sense of loyalty to organizations that don't meet their needs and can be cynical and distrustful, having been the victims of downsizing, mergers and layoffs. They don't generally buy into the career-track mentality of Boomers and prefer shorter-term rewards like bonuses and vacation time.
X'er pragmatism leads them to measure their success on most recent accomplishments or acquired skills versus contributions to a greater vision. Lacking formal leadership training, X'ers can be rough around the edges and struggle with the subtle nuances of leadership.
As a generation, X'ers are modular, focused on their own sphere of influence — family and friends. They have little awareness of their greater collective force as a generation. As such, they often lack the networks and connections needed to influence institutions and the power to make beneficial changes.


I mainly copied and pasted the information. I use printscreen and paint for the images.

Evaluating the Web
The purpose of my search, was to get some information about the baby boomers and the internet. Nothing specific.
When I came across this site I got interested on what the author has to say about baby boomers manager and Gen-X managers.
The purpose of my initial search changed and the relevance of the results of my search was negligable.
I noticed that Sun Microsystems has used thier logo when they published the article. It seems to be dedicated to Sun customers.
Sun Microsystems were not promoting their products but just providing information. The site would then be Commercial/Information, not advocacy.
The author has her own company, and is an experienced mediator and facilitator. She seems to have the appropriate education, training and experience to write with authority.

Deb Gilburg is a Principal with the Gilburg Ledearship Institute, Inc. Deborah GIlburg earned a J.D. at Suffolk University Law School & B.A. in Psychology at Trinity Colledge, Hartford, CT.
She has also published some articles which you can download from the Institute Website, in a friendly PDF format.
There is also a reference that links to another website that supports her article.
I also searched for similar sites and there were none.
A search on Gen-X and baby boomers came up with pages of tagged information, but not necessarily about the same topic.
Technorati found Deborah Gilburg blog about the subject , and when using Google scholar the article was cited once.

This exercise is enough to make me change my old ways in regards to searching the Web.
It has been a real eye opener and I there is no way back.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Module Three - All Tasks

I have done my html lessons. I had my fun. I would like to get right into it but have to be more practical. I used notepad for my text editor and it worked well.
My html using notepad as shown below: (please click on the image to view)

Well that took all morning. Not to create the html but to add the images to my blog.
I tried to copy my html codes to the blog but it did not like it. I did that several times then decided to take screen dump and save it as an image. The quality was not good. I tried the screenpilot as suggested by Cynthia. This also did not work. I ended up using the PrtScn key to capture the screen and used paint to crop it and saved it as a .jpg file. Although the resolution is not that good, if you click on the image to zoom in, it's not bad.
I also tried to initially upload to Gmail, Hotmail, Windows live with no success. I uploaded my images by not the files. The links from the webpage take you to my images in Windows live space and the other to Picasa online.
I have enjoyed the html coding and would have liked to ftp/upload the files somewhere, and only have the link in my blog.
I should also mention that I highlighted the part at the bottom of my text file. That was before I had issues adding the images into my blog. This part does not work. I have asked for some help from Rebelbassnz, who is the expert. I found out while chatting on Skye that Rebelbassnz has been studying html coding for the last 6 months. When he gets back to me I will add the solution to my blog.
I also enjoyed this exercise. Although it was frustrating at times, the satisfaction is that I managed to do this. So far I am blogging & I have created a webpage.
I would continue blogging I guess, where as I am not sure that I am up to creating websites.
I may attempt to do a little more but using perhaps something like Frontpage. I would prefer having a website when I start promoting and selling my art, but I would use both a blog and a website. I believe that a website is more professional but for an artist, using a blog where you could have a link to your website, could reach even a wider audience.
The link below gives a good explanation of difference between blogging and html:

I tried to follow the instructions from the DB to transfer my files to my space on Oasis, but that did not work. I thought that I could use the space offered in Gmail sites, but for obvious reasons I could not do this either. Windows live has space but I could not use this either.
I use broadband and at this stage I don't know my account details or anything else about the space available, but I will try to find out.
I just found out that to ftp files to broadband, there is a monthly fee of $9.95 for a bronze account, $14.95 for a silver one and $19.95 for gold. So much for free web hosting.

I will keep on blogging even after finishing this unit.
I can see the benefits. I still don't know everything there is to know about blogging but I have been able so far to update and manage my blog, successfully. I am amazed that I have achieved this, with so little knowledge.
I have since found out that many of my friends already use a weblog or some other type of blogging tools.
They use it to keep other parents informed of their kids soccer games, with photos of the team, their victories, videos of their games, and much more. The blog has the colours of the team and is very informative.
Blogs provide a communication space that teachers can utilise with students whenever there is a curriculum need to develop writing, share ideas and reflect on work being undertaken in the classroom.
I will use my blog to promote my paintings, as it is my business. I will be able to advertise to the outside world.
A Google blog search tells us how popular blogging is. If you can think of it, you would find a blog on it. The quality of the Web Blogs are superb. I never thought that it was that popular and my comments previously about a website to promote your business ... are not valid anymore. I am reluctant to admit, that I could not tell the difference between a blog and a website. I am more confused than ever. I will take more time to view some more blogs before I decide which would be my tool of choice to promote my business.
I have just wasted (perhaps not) reading some blogs, while searching for interesting blogs to add to my task, and there are many.

Web 2.0
There is no need to elaborate, what I understand about Web 2.o is summarised in the following:
Participation, decentralization,, social networking, facilitating communication, sharing information, trading, collaboration between people & the web, linking people, renaissance, mass publishing, podcast, Web Blogs, improved.
A good example is that before Web 2.0 we used to upload our photos to Kodak for them to print, but now we use Flickr for our photos, and they can be shared & printed by anyone.
YouTube - Web 2.0;_ylu=X3oDMTBydHRjbmRzBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMwRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkAw--/SIG=1204kcpco/EXP=1239261785/**http%3a//

Furl & html

furl is more versatile and flexible than the html list. The lists from furl can be sorted by date, can have filters on days, topics which are sorted in alphabetic order. You can setup a group furl with membership and much more. With an html list you cannot do any of the above. It is just a long list of links, the longer the messier it would get.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sorting out my Blog, day

I have been away for a week and desperately trying to catch up.
I have not successfully checked out my 'followers' blogs & intend to do just that.
Well easily said than done... as we can expect nothing ever goes smoothly where computers are concerned.
I tried to comment to ' sure what happened but I was not able to leave my comment... can't tell why.
I successfully managed to leave comments on my second and 3rd followers sites. One of the followers is using wordpress and the other the online journal.
I then attempted to fix my blog. It is way too long.
I managed to master the 'click to read more' option under the header. It is not exactly what I want but it's progress.
I only want the headings to show on my main page ... I am paranoid though that I will delete the wrong stuff.
I realise that I should be doing my tasks instead but finding it hard to move on and leave this mess behind.
I will also try to go back to my email list that I joined a week ago... not sure if I remember the address or password I used. I would also like to mention that I have a twitter account and following Peter.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Module Two - Tasks (Lists & Chat)


I am starting a new blog and hope to be able to link it to my main one.

What are the pros and cons of email lists versus discussion boards?

When you join an email lists, you are one of many and your message goes to everyone on that list. There could be 10,000's participating. It's easy to lose the thread of the main subject. Sometime it feels as if you are talking to yourself. It likes any new bit of software, once you get used to it, it's not so bad.
Where as the discussion board is more structured and controlled. There are many groups and specific subjects. It too can get very messy though. There can be so many topics, subjects and the subject matter is not always clear. Users in both cases have to be taught to follow some basic rules and guidelines prior to contributing to either.

Are there certain kinds of communication or purposes more suited to one than the other?

The email list, is more open and public. I don't think there is much difference with either. If there are rules and guidelines put in place and communicated to the subscribers, either one could be used for similar purposes. The discussion board can perhaps be more structured and managed as per the discussion board used in the NET11 unit. I cannot imagine using a list or lists as a substitute. The discussion board is divided into different sections and specific subjects. But as with the lists, if the discussion board is not used properly, it too can get very messy after a very short time, as we have experienced in the discussion board of this unit. There should be much thought put into the meta-data, (subject) field. It should be obvious and link to what the content is all about. This would save everyone involved, a lot of time and worry. I don't like using the email lists, perhaps it's because that I am not familiar with it, and I find it not as conveying specific messages, as it is on the discussion board.


The list has not contributed anything in helping me with the unit. It is just an exercise that I had to do. I have done it, I know it exists and will probably never use it again. After a week, I have 53 emails in my inbox and ended up deleting the lot, as none were really helpful.
After having being away for a week, with no internet communication, and accessing the email list when I got back, I find it very confusing and messy. Whereas the discussion board, although it contained so many posts, I managed to access the different topics/subjects that I required, and found it quite helpful. It seems that we have had the freedom to add to the DB in this unit as we thought fit, (initially). Perhaps it was a way of letting us find out how messy it could get in a very short time. I wonder if it would have made any difference, if we had read the Introduction in Module 2.1 before being able to post anything onto the DB. Although it about how we communicate using emails, the same rules would apply to the DB.


I managed to download ICQ and used it successfully. I was a bit concerned posting again, my personal details on the internet. I have so many accounts by now, I need a database to keep track of names, nicknames, passwords, answers to questions.. eg: pets name, that I have used.

I added all the ICQ contact nos. I could find on the DB, about 14 of them. I managed to discuss a few things with Fady and Michelle who were online at the time.
I was quite easy to use and I would like to explore it further. Perhaps set up a group for NET11 2009, that is if someone else does not beat me to it.
I think that ICQ is a good communication tool to use but when chatting to many it get a little out of control. There were 3 of us and even then that got a little messy.
I did enjoy chatting to some of my fellow students... as if belonging to a private club.
The feedback from the others was that Fady preferred IRC to ICQ... I don't remember why and I cannot find the history in ICQ for the time being.
I prefer using skype for the only reason that I use it all the time, and got used to it. I use it for my work and to contact friends. I call & chat to people from all over the world, and it is always reliable. I have tried MSN live and find this not as good. The connection is often broken after only a few minutes.

The following is a screen dump of some of the stuff we discussed.

497-680-589 ‎(5:17 PM): hey 585-583-538 ‎(5:17 PM): hey hey 497-680-589 ‎(5:18 PM): Hi Zette 497-680-589 ‎(5:18 PM): ok lets knock this one on the head 585-583-538 ‎(5:18 PM): i agree.. hi zette ! 497-680-589 ‎(5:18 PM): So which out of the chat options did you like the most? 585-583-538 ‎(5:19 PM): ICQ is cool.. though IRC isn't without its charm 585-583-538 ‎(5:19 PM): what bout you? 497-680-589 ‎(5:19 PM): For me personally I like Msn, I like that I have control over who I speak to and who I don't and while its similar to icq because I use hotmail a lot its easier for me Zette ‎(5:20 PM): I am here Zette ‎(5:20 PM): Hi 497-680-589 ‎(5:20 PM): I like irq but I find I get spammed more 585-583-538 ‎(5:20 PM): excellent Zette ‎(5:20 PM): who i am talking to 585-583-538 ‎(5:20 PM): fady and mich 497-680-589 ‎(5:20 PM): I am Michelle Robson from NEt11 497-680-589 ‎(5:20 PM): And Fady is Fady 497-680-589 ‎(5:20 PM): lol 585-583-538 ‎(5:20 PM): from net11 585-583-538 ‎(5:20 PM): 497-680-589 ‎(5:21 PM): Zette ‎(5:21 PM): Hi Great,, just got home. What exactly are we trying to do? 497-680-589 ‎(5:21 PM): Finnish off Module two Zette ‎(5:21 PM): 497-680-589 ‎(5:21 PM): the group task 585-583-538 ‎(5:21 PM): we are chatting together as a group, to fulfill the group chat task Zette ‎(5:21 PM): Ok ... How do we prove that? 585-583-538 ‎(5:21 PM): well.... 497-680-589 ‎(5:21 PM): Blogg referencing 585-583-538 ‎(5:21 PM): screenshot! 497-680-589 ‎(5:22 PM): put it on ye blog 585-583-538 ‎(5:22 PM): yes Zette ‎(5:22 PM):

I also chatted to blue banana later that night. I am trying to retrieve the history to add to this chat task, but cannot find it, although I opted to save it. I am sure it there but prefer not to waste any more time.
I have left a few messages on the DB for anyone who would want to chat. I have my ICQ, Messenger and Skype up & running.
I created perhaps too late, a NET11 - 2009 group in ICQ. It was very easy, but I could not find a way to automatically transfer my existing contacts to the group. Doing it one by one is a very manual way of doing it.
There are so many ways of staying in touch nowadays but do we stay in touch?
The older generation struggles with the internet use, some who have worked in a computer environment embrace it. For the new generation, the internet seems to be the only way to communicate. How can I (being of an older group) possibly keep up with the following:
My work emails
MSN live
Yahoo mail
Curtin student email
Email lists
Mobile phone
Home phone
... all of this is taking control of my life. Soon, very soon I will have to take control ... if I did not it will control me. !!!!!!!!!!! I am sure there is more I could add to the list Huuuuuuuu!!!!!

Yes, what about all the different names, passwords I use. I am running out of pet names. I have passwords and login name for banks accounts, credit cards (4), Tickertek, Woolworths, Geni (family tree online), Everyday rewards, webjet, go to meeting, Mycareer to name just a few.

My problem is I use my second name and sign using my first name...... this is my first problem. Mine may be a bit more complicated than most but I think most of us have the similar problems.

I pay my bills online... businesses want my money yet they make it so hard for me to pay them. The system crashes, there is a dead line if you don't pay by a certain date (because you cannot log in, and have no one to speak to you), they threatened to charge you more. I am trying to
pay them!!!!!!!!!! Their systems sucks... can I say this.