Monday, March 2, 2009

My top five tips for new bloggers

March 3, 2009 - My top five tips for new bloggers are:

  1. Google 'Bloggers help', is very useful and more that is needed to start a blog.
  2. I would have saved a lot of time, if I had followed the step by step instructions of 'how to create a blog', YouTube video that is available in the 'Bloggers help' site.
  3. Use the Blogger text editor and not a Microsoft Word text editor. I encountered a lot of errors when I published my blog, due most likely by the hidden embedded characters from my word document.
  4. Just experiment and do it.
  5. I have learnt a lot by just being curious and giving it a go (but I am still confused).
March 2, 2009 - My first blogger experiment

This is my first experiment with blogging.
I am rather apprehensive broadcasting my thoughts to the Internet world. It is also a new and exciting venture.
I am competent using a computer; I thought I was. I find it not so easy to understand, the blogging that is.
It is sort of trial and error... then you eventually get there.
While 'playing' with my blog, I came across Picasa3, which I downloaded. I will be able to easily upload my photos to my blog.. (to be seen).

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